Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Guilty Parkers to be Chased

by admin on 19 February, 2017

It was reported to me that a vehicle in town had received 19 parking tickets in a short period of time…perhaps 6 weeks, over the period from the end of November til early January. Not one of these had been paid, and yet the Enforcement Officers apparently continued to issue tickets. I was given an assurance that Enforcement Officers are not paid by the number of tickets they issue!
Residents were inconvenienced by this on going offence, and I thought it an issue worth taking up. I raised questions at County Hall with officers and have received assurances that, while the number of such persistent offenders is not high, they do need to be dealt with in a rather more proactive way. I was pleased therefore that a rather more pro active response is to be developed by the County. I welcome the indication that officers are aware and now intend to do something about it. Watch this space, as they say….

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