Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Buckland Traffic “Mini Conference” Called.

by admin on 20 March, 2017

I have this morning received a “negative” to my calls for better signage for Buckland. I have concluded that there are now so many separate traffic problems related to Buckland including parking issues ( almost everywhere), speeding vehicles, increasing traffic volume ( inevitable with large numbers of additional houses being built), issues around the school, issues around the traffic lights, the possibility of long term planning for an additional entrance/exit to the estate ( which IMO should have been considered in conjunction with the new development…an excellent opportunity lost) etc etc that if re elected in May I have started moves to hold a “mini conference” to try and resolve some of these problems. This conference would hopefully include representatives of Teignbridge Planners, Devon Highways,the police, local councillors and other “interested parties” and if I have my way, would be held at the Community Centre and be open to the public. We shall see if the various agencies agree to participate in those circumstances.

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