Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Home Education Concerns

by admin on 22 July, 2017

I attended a Lib Dem group briefing this week with officers at County Hall on child protection. Devon County Council has not always had the best record in this area of work, but signs are that major efforts are under way to try and put things right.
An area that has interested and concerned me for a long time, and one which I am intending to pursue in the months ahead, is the whole mine field of Home Education.
Let me state at the outset that I am certain that a number of children who are “home educated” receive a really good education, and indeed I know children educated at home by enthusiastic, capable parents who have gone onto gain excellent academic qualifications.
My concerns however are for those who do not receive such an education and indeed fall through the net which society provided, a net which ensures an education and protection.
It is sad to say that for some, home education is a means of escape from school. It is becoming more common for Head Teachers to suggest Home Education as an option to the parents of “unruly” or “under performing” children. Unfortunately, some Heads simply don’t want some children in their schools and with funding being cut the number of support staff is declining with the inevitable results. These children, some as young as 11 or 12, are at risk. They have parents who are illiterate and / or innumerate and have no intention or ability to educate their off spring. Consequently these children are left to wander the streets at will, and run the risks associated with roaming the streets.
The system has failed and is continuing to fail these children in ever increasing numbers. It is quite conceivable that some are simply “lost” to the system altogether. Certainly questions arise about families who move from one area to another, with no checks on what is actually being provided by way of education at home.
It’s a big topic, and too big to develop here, but I am very concerned about children who are not being educated; children who are not receiving any supervision and children who are therefore particularly exposed to exploitation and abuse. It can’t happen here in Devon? Don’t you believe it!

I would very much welcome comment from any who have experience of Home Education, either as a participant or witness. Please email me at gordon.hook45@gmail.com

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One Response

  1. shahistar says:

    Thanks for the sharing

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