Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Dunkirk. The Movie

by admin on 17 August, 2017

The reaction to the recently released “Dunkirk” movie has been both interesting and revealing. I am genuinely surprised at the response to the film, which I saw last week, by what I am calling “the younger generation”.
They seem fascinated/moved/even surprised and amazed…..these are my interpretations of the reactions I have noted.
What this is telling me, not for the first time, is how totally inadequate, even antiquated, is the history syllabus taught in most if not all of our schools. This “younger generation” seem to have little or no knowledge of the history of the last 100 years, and surely while it is interesting to study the Anglo – Saxons, the Romans, the Tudors and Stuarts et al how much more relevant and significant for the young of today to know of the causes and consequences of the actions and activities, both military, political and socio – economic of the 20th century. The dynamic teaching of history ( and IMO it is too often taught inadequately, with little or no flair ) is of critical importance to the evolution of thought and comprehension of our nations place in history and time. Without such knowledge we not only run the very real risk of repeating the mistakes of history, but are ill placed to make decisions which impact on us. A relatively few pupils actually study any history after the age of 14, and therefore if the vast majority of these haven’t grasped certain fundamental truths by then, there is very little hope they will do so at any future time in their lives.
I didn’t find “Dunkirk” the recent film, particularly stimulating as I knew how brutal such events were and how human sacrifice was quickly made, but that said, I would strongly suggest that anyone who is unaware of the real impact of WW2 should go and see it as part of their lost education.

Question. ” Dunkirk was an unmitigated  disaster for the UK or a spectacular triumph”. Discuss.

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