Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Litter and Dog Bins Overflowing ? No problem says Con

by admin on 16 October, 2018

I raised the question of overflowing litter and dog bins at Teignbridge Council yesterday. I have been made aware of and am very concerned about litter and dog bins, the responsibility of Teignbridge Council, not being emptied frequently enough, and as a consequence, we have seen and experienced overflowing bins, with detritus often piling up adjacent to the bins. This just isn’t good enough IMO.
However, the less than convincing councillor responsible for this part of the council’s operation is not concerned, as there isn’t a problem apparently, and yet the public are kindly regularly pointing out the problems to me. I was told that the questions were only generated as an election was looming. What a cynical attitude. It isn’t as though I don’t regularly raise issues of concern! The Leader of the Council, Cllr Christophers recently denied there was a litter problem in Newton. Isn’t it reassuring that those who should be insisting on and producing far better results don’t even see a problem?

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