Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Teignbridge Local Plan: Legal Challenge Mounted

by admin on 30 July, 2014

Abbotskerswell Parish Council lodged a legal challenge to the TDC Local Plan some weeks ago.
I became aware of this some days ago, and now a press release has been issued putting this into the public domain.
It appears that numerous people, certainly some developers, knew of this sometime ago and yet Opposition councillors  have not been informed by the council. This is simply disgraceful and fundamentally undemocratic behaviour by the Conservative administration. It has come to light now because tomorrow (Thursday) we are being asked to approve a further £540,000 towards the road linking Decoy to the SDLR. . . . . . but no mention is made in that report of any legal challenge, which if successful could lead to the plan being found unsound and illegal. The case comes to the High Court in November and could have hugely significant repercussions for Plan Teignbridge.
The details of the legal challenge are numerous and too many to put on this blog (though if interested i am happy to share with you…please get in touch)
A further aspect of this sorry situation is that a) Teignbridge has no obligation, in my opinion, to pay any money towards roads and b) this appears to have been agreed without any consultation with or debate by councillors…simply the Chief Executive and Leader agreeing some 18 months ago to Teignbridge giving this money. I regard that as an enormous cheek and fundamentally undemocratic…..but then it is a Conservative administration, and that party is not noted for its allegiance to democratic principles.


2 Responses

  1. Tom Keen says:

    Firstly thank you for blogging. Whilst it’s not pleasant having to face just how apparently mucky and debased the ethics of so many so-called public servants are, at least you continue to raise the banner of decency & sanity. Your honesty, integrity and courage may not give us hope for local democracy, but at least we can realise just how grubby council behaviour can be.

    Secondly, given the condition of impotence caused by our Guardians’ arrogance, why are we so often encouraged to be more active in local politics? It seems that only Chief Executives and their Officers wield real power, including that of ignoring the inconvenient needs and opinions of local residents and the issues raised by their elected representatives.

    Thirdly, any chance of other councils expressing public support for Abbotskerswell’s case? Does Newton Abbot have a position on this? Or are they too busy banging on about floral displays and dog poo?

  2. gordonhook says:

    Thank you for those more than generous comments. I am just trying to do a job properly, and it is often far from easy or straight forward. I certainly do not please all the people all the time…not my intention of course, and most certainly not possible! I actually believe that all groups of people….councillors/teachers/doctors/lawyers/street cleaners/local government officers etc are a mixed bag of humanity; some good, some bad, some in between. None of us should be tarred with the brush of generalisation….
    In my book all it takes for evil to prevail is for good men( and women ) to do nothing (or little/not enough to resist….)I would love to see councils comprised of hard working, honest, conscientious decent saints…..but they aren’t out there….we can only do our best, as we see that and strive to achieve.
    I am not on Newton Abbot Town Council, so I don’t know their individual view on the issue of supporting legal challenges by Abbotskerswell PC, though Wolborough Residents Association are active in support. I suggest you make contact with either Phil Rowe the Town Clerk or the Mayor, Cllr Mike Hocking and ask if they have a position.

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