Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more


by admin on 18 July, 2016

The only Green Party Councillor on Devon County Council has applied to join the Lib Dems, who have welcomed him into their ranks. Cllr Robert Vint, who is a Town, District and County Councillor in Totnes has stated that he believes his environmental aspirations and work for social justice can better be achieved within the Lib Dem Party, with whom he has much in common. I have known Robert since his election to the County Council, and have never found other than a kindred spirit. I see no area of conflict, but do see so much common ground. We welcome all such like minded people into our ranks….come and join us, as at least 15,000 have done since the referendum vote 3 weeks or so ago.


2 Responses

  1. Alun Williams says:

    This is excellent news. It’s probably more important to welcome Greens into our ranks than people from any other party because we share many of the same ideals and aspirations. Furthermore, unless we can forge some kind of left-of-centre political group that incorporates Liberals, Greens and sympathetic Labour supporters, we are never likely to be able to shift the Tories from office. We must try to build our revival on being a principled political grouping rather than a protest repository.

    • gordonhook says:

      Absolutely…although I want to welcome converts from all parties ( and none) who see and appreciate the need for a united front to win elections.

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