Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

This Cannot Be Justified.

by admin on 1 October, 2016

The local weekly newspaper contacted me yesterday ( Friday) afternoon to ask if I would make a statement in my role as Leader of the Lib Dem Opposition at Teignbridge regarding the rise in the Chief Executive Officers pay.
Apparently last year she received £126,097 and this year it rises to £141,972. These figures include all the “extras”. Her basic salary is approx £104,000 rising this year to approx. £118,000.
These figures are in the public domain and can be found on line in the Teignbridge Council Annual Statement of Accounts, which went through Full Council unannounced or explained by the Conservative controlling group. I do not know of course if many of them were actually aware of these figures, after all they were tucked away deep in a document of 100 pages or more. I understand this is a pay rise of more than 12 %.
How can this possibly be justified? Pay restraint has been applied in large measure to doctors, nurses, the police, school teachers ( and incidentally councillors, though I make no claims that they matter!) and yet the Teignbridge CEO gets more than 12%? Who can begin to justify that? Not me! I am sure the officer in question does a quite outstanding job, with a high public profile, but 12% plus pay rise? I don’t think so.
What message does it send to those in our communities who are suffering not only pay restraint, but the full impact of rapidly declining public services? Care Homes closing; Youth Services greatly reduced; bus subsidies hugely down; grass verges not cut; litter worse than ever,and don’t get me started on potholes and the condition of our roads and yet the CEO gets a 12% pay rise.
As Leader of the Opposition I cannot alter or influence such events, that is down entirely to the Conservative administration, but this I tell you, it would not be happening if I were running the ship!!! Different Party; Different Priorities!!!


4 Responses

  1. Geoff Powell says:

    If the CEO was a just and honest person she would not accept any rise at all. The wage is already far too high. Shameful.

    • gordonhook says:

      I don’t think it’s a question of honesty. I don’t question the CEO’s honesty. It is however one of non justification. At a time of huge nationwide pay restraint for so many how can an exceptionally well paid individual in the public sector account for and accept a rise of this magnitude? All others are subject to pay restraint, and when we (LDs ) proposed the Living Wage for TDC employees we were told we couldn’t afford it……..

  2. Tom Keen says:

    I’ve just written to info@teignbridge.gov.uk : “As a taxpayer and resident of Newton Abbot I would like to place on record my contempt of Teignbridge Council for their decision to award the CEO a 12% payrise, and my astonishment that the CEO seems to have accepted it. Please reconsider this decision.”
    Would it be worthwhile for as many as possible to do the same?

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