Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Buckland Community Centre Defribullator

by admin on 7 July, 2017

I have today (Friday) put in a claim for money to Teignbridge  for a defribullator to be sited at the community centre. I don’t know how many people have collapsed and needed such a facility in the last 10 years, but a request was made to me for support and I am happy to oblige by finding the money. In one sense of course I hope it is never necessary to use it.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Tom Keen says:

    2/10 for spelling, Gordon. I think you mean a “defibrillator”! But medical technology may well have advanced in recent years. May be we should also have a defribullator, just in case there’s a lot of fribull about something or other.

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