Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more


by admin on 13 July, 2017

At this mornings Highways committee meeting (HATOC) I managed to obtain agreement to have the 30 mph speed limit extended on St Marychurch Road from the existing point at Newtake Rise to beyond Twickenham Road. This has been a long held ambition of mine and I have campaigned for this common sense move for many many years. Imagine my delight therefore at the committees vote. I am pleased to acknowledge contributions made by other Cllrs. including Cllrs Dewhirst, Brodie and perhaps particularly Cllr Barker. I am simply delighted that the committee agreed with the proposal, which went against officer recommendations.
This does not mean there will be an instant 30 mph limit. but it is in the pipeline! Rejoice!

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Tom Keen says:

    Well done, you and your mates. This may mean that I may be able to keep my head on my shoulders when peering out of the bushes in Milber Woods to look right and uphill before crossing the road!

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