Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Conservative Party No Longer The Party of Law and Order

by admin on 22 July, 2017

This week we have had the highest crime figures for 10 years announced; we have had the highest number of exclusions from our schools announced and at Devon County Council yesterday we had the Conservatives stop a debate on the reduction of PCSO’s in Devon and the suitability or otherwise of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
My view is that Police and Crime Commissioners are simply not required and the whole lot should be done away with as a waste of scarce money, but I also believe that our local PCC was “beyond unwise” to agree that residents should take up arms to defend themselves. The situation in America should surely warn us against the whole idea of communities arming themselves…heaven forbid that we should ever go down that path!

The ill discipline that is gripping society and the ever rising crime rates are something that should concern us all; the topic is not one that can be either ignored nor avoided. It was disappointing therefore that the Conservative administration at County Hall opted to avoid debate on the topic by shunting a Notice of Motion regarding the Police and Crime Commissioner and the reduction in PCSOs here in Devon into the proverbial “long grass” earlier this week. There was a time when the Conservative Party were considered the party of law and order; no longer is that the case, it would seem.

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