Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Graffiti Getting Worse? Urgent Action Called For!

by admin on 7 January, 2018

The scourge of graffiti in Newton Abbot seems to go from bad to worse. It is at best a very real blot on the landscape; at worst it is an obscene mess. While I welcome the efforts made to tidy up the Penn Inn area, which is definitely a move in the right direction, the underpass remains an appalling shambolic disgrace and I am calling for urgent measures to address the issue.

Three different approaches have been made to me on the topic in the last 4 days alone!

I have spoken with Acting CEO of Teignbridge Council, Phil Shears, about action needed and suggested various initiatives, including a council “hit squad” to paint out the worst and most public areas, ( because Penn Inn is by no means the only bad area….graffiti blights our town everywhere) but also I am seeking consent and support to establish a volunteer squad of residents who will join with me, in the event that the council either can’t or won’t help, and do the necessary…ideally with graffiti resistant paint to stop a repetition of these anti social acts. It is the work of a few mindless sad individuals who, regrettably, were encouraged by a local Conservative councillor, now recently removed from the scene.

The special anti graffiti paint is more expensive than the ordinary sort, but I am prepared to help with the purchase if sufficient support is forthcoming to see the worst areas treated.

I am also suggesting that Teignbridge seek the agreement of various utility companies/Network Rail and any other business who suffer abuse to work on their property to clean away these eye sores. It may be that these businesses could contribute towards the cost??

Here’s hoping I get some encouragement from both the “powers that be” and local residents prepared to help. I know my fellow Lib Dem councillors Jackie Hook ( was Brodie) and Colin Parker are keen to get involved, but this should not be a party political issue and I urge all residents to consider joining in with help for this project. Jackie has been particularly pro active in organising clean up events and is holding yet another “Litter Pick and Tidy Up” this coming Sunday ( 14th Jan) Meet at the Sherborne Road car park 2pm. All equipment provided. ( more info from jackiebrodie05@gmail.com or 01626 362070) Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, so we can together make a real effort to tidy up our town.

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Tom Keen says:

    “the council either can’t or won’t help” Very kind of you to insert “can’t” there, Gordon. It really is down to council officers and leaders being unwilling to help. They share a characteristic with the feral kids & so-called “young adults” responsible for vandalism, littering, graffiti etc. To paraphrase Catherine Tate, “Do they look bovvered? Are they bovvered though?”

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