Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

A New Idea to Help Beat Plastic Pollution

by admin on 11 September, 2018

I hope no one needs a lecture on the increasing dangers of plastic pollution to life on the planet…human, animal and marine life are all threatened by the plastic scourge.
It’s often easy to think an individual can’t do much to help, but actually there are literally 100’s of ways we can all “do our bit” by taking plastic out of the environment. Probably the number one method is to recycle more plastic, but how about not buying the stuff in the first place?
I know it is a convenient product and that is part of the problem. However, over the recent past has anyone else noticed that more and more soap is being sold in liquid form in quite sizeable plastic containers, which are used once and thrown away? Just take a moment to look at the varying quantity of soaps now on sale in your local supermarket. The liquid container variety far outweighs the “solid” block of soap. By buying soap in the old fashioned solid form we can avoid buying yet another throw away plastic item. So, will you join with me and buy more solid soap and reject the plastic container liquid soap? Let’s start a national movement and help beat plastic pollution!

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. Tom Keen says:

    Hear hear!

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