Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Penn Inn. What an Improvement!

by admin on 9 December, 2018

In October last year I complained to just about anyone who would listen that the Penn Inn Roundabout was ” a shambles”. I believe it was at that time a disgrace, an eyesore, an embarrassment to the area.
I reflect some 14 months later on the enormous improvement that has been made and I am keen to go on record and praise unreservedly all those who have played a part in the transformation. Newton Abbot CIC have played a huge part, under the leadership and guidance of Lynn McElheron, ably assisted by many others including Peter Beale, John Pike and Emily Farrell who have given huge amounts of time and effort into this most appreciated landscaping programme. Plant World have given many of the plants now adorning the area, and we thank them most sincerely for their generosity. Transition Newton Abbot have also contributed much. I am very aware that in actually naming some I will have missed out many, and I apologise to them for that. I acknowledge that the area is not perfect and putting aside the current problems of flooding of the underpass, other actions remain to be done, including graffiti removal and the improvement of the lighting. However, there is a time and a place to give thanks and praise, and right now I want to place on record my huge thanks and appreciation to all those who have contributed in whatever way to this activity. A magnificent effort. I hope residents will do all they can to keep the area looking as tidy and “loved” as possible. We can all play a part in that!!

   1 Comment

One Response

  1. David A Howard says:

    Thank you Gordon by stating your appreciation on behalf of the rest of us. I have not seen this for myself as I cannot get there but I knew that some would come forward, once they new the problem. Good luck and strong arms to them all. As for the graffiti, perhaps this could be turned into an art project, as have been successful in other areas. ??

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