Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more


by admin on 15 June, 2020

This morning a vital briefing on the councils difficult financial position and plans for economic recovery was held for all councillors. This had been well advertised and all councillors were invited.
We are facing, as a nation, as a council and in some cases as individuals the most difficult financial problems perhaps ever.
Most councillors attended, but sadly no Newton Says No councillors put in an appearance…not one.
Good presentations were made, and I made an appeal for all councillors to contribute in the weeks and months ahead to a cross chamber response to the troubles. I welcome constructive comment from all sides. It is to be hoped that many will take up my offer, even NSN. Just a pity they couldn’t find the time to spare for an hours vital meeting today.


2 Responses

  1. Tom Keen says:

    Sounds a little snide, Gordon. Perhaps they’re grieving at the loss of so much of Newton’s countryside to fill the pockets of a couple of selfish landowners and greedy developers. Unfortunately, some of the public servants supposedly representing the majority of residents sound almost to be crowing about their victory. How much more iffy business is about to be revealed? https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/jun/15/robert-jenrick-why-are-there-calls-for-inquiry-into-minister

  2. gordonhook says:

    The problem with NSN is at least two fold. One, they have ( seemingly deliberately?) gone out of their way to alienate all around them. We have common cause in wishing to defend the environment and all it represents, but they will not accept that we are powerless to oppose the Governments dictate re the number of houses we must build; we have no choice in the matter. I hate the notion of top down dictatorial rulings on how we should manage ourselves, but the law is the law. It’s why I got involved in politics to try and challenge and change, but the process is not an easy one to defeat. NSN have lost sympathy for themeselves and their cause by irrational, illogical and ill mannered behaviour and blind unthinking opposition to reality.
    In addition they show little or no interest in any other issues than the protection of the fields they see from their homes, often not attending meetings.

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