Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more


by admin on 23 June, 2022

I made my sixth and final visit to the by election yesterday, and was pleased to have local member Keith Walter for company.
We were allocated the quite delightful village of Membury to deliver, which we managed despite the heat and distance between some of the properties.
We had an exchange of views with an irate lady(?) who was disgusted by the amount of literature we Lib Dems had put into her letter box. In similar circumstances in Colyton earlier in the campaign I had suggested that “if a person was offended by a piece of paper more than the behaviour of our Prime Minister, then I would suggest a reappraisal of your values.” Those people are never going to vote Lib Dem, but the Conservatives are clearly worried by the sheer volume of helpers and effort of the Lib Dems.
We had another conversation with a gent re transgender rights, not a subject I have ever previously held a doorstep conversation or been questioned on. He made a number of valid points.
It was good to bump into Tim Farron who was in town to help and was out at the crack of dawn this morning I understand, with many others, delivering what must surely be the very last piece of literature.
The result? Obviously I don’t know but many think it will be close. The Conservatives are defending a majority of over 24,000, which should be a simple task, but many are seeing through the incompetence and arrogance of this deceitful Prime Minister and his sycophantic Government. The residents of Tiverton and Honiton have a great opportunity to speak for the country and say ” Enough is enough. Be gone.” I can only hope enough have had their eyes opened, and vote accordingly.

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