Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more


by admin on 28 April, 2023

A number of candidates are offering themselves at the forthcoming local elections as “Independent”. It sounds very attractive perhaps to some potential voters, and indeed in some cases it just might be. It has perhaps an image of decency, clear thinking, unbiased, pure….I have known “Independent” councillors who have done a very decent job on Teignbridge Council, bringing knowledge and experience to the role. I think immediately of Mike Haines and Beryl Austin as but two examples of people who stood without a party label and were elected because of their reputation and ability. They are both standing down at this election, and will be missed.
However, I would issue a very real word of caution to voters tempted by the “Inde” label.
What does it actually mean?
What do these “Indes” stand for? Do they actually stand for anything…and how do you know? I make those points because in my long time on councils of various sorts I have known “Inde” candidates who have been on the extremes of the political spectrum, both to the left and right; I have known others who don’t seem to actually stand for anything, while others have had much to say and others nothing to say. My point is that “Inde” can mean anything, and can try to be all things to all people, and of course they fail in that, because despite the attempt you simply can’t be all things to all people…decisions have to be made.. and while “fence sitting” (abstaining) has been a common practice for some, it is no way to run a council. Therefore I say, please be very careful what you wish for, be very careful what they stand for
It may be of course that you actually know an “Inde” candidate and are prepared to cast your vote based on the personal knowledge you have of the person. You know they are trustworthy .decent and loyal…..I have often thought how wonderful it must be to be elected on a “Good Bloke” ticket, but that is fundamentally dishonest, as electors ought to know what the candidates stand for and against, and what it is they want to achieve on a council. It’s why parties have manifestos setting out their policy aspirations. The vast majority of “Indes” never tell us what they want to achieve, other than nebulous statements such as “will speak for the people” or ” fight corruption” or ” not be dictated to by a party machine”. As a party animal I have never done other than speak for the people; I have never done other than fight corruption and certainly have never been told how to vote by a party machine. Anyone who tells you that doesn’t know much about the Lib Dems.

We (Lib Dems) have some experience of candidates standing as LDs and then leaving for “Inde” status. I had one such person promise me unfailing loyalty on a Saturday morning, and leave the party on Saturday afternoon! So much for honesty and loyalty! These people are keen to get elected and are prepared to “ride the party label” but have no idea of loyalty; of being in a team or accepting democracy. They often depart because they can’t accept the workings of a democratic party, so shame on them for that.

A neighbouring district council, East Devon, have gone through a chastening experience with “Inde” councillors forming a group called The East Devon Alliance(EDA). After trying to run the council for the last couple of years the whole thing is falling apart in disarray, with many of them (I think 5?) now standing in May for the Lib Dems, recognising the merit of being part of a party with a clear set of principles and ideals. Some dubious decisions have been made by the EDA and I can’t imagine anyone would want a similar experience to happen here in Teignbridge. It is right to point out that candidates are standing here in Teignbridge under the “South Devon Alliance” label, some calling themselves “Indes”, again…be careful.

So, for the reasons given and for others reasons, I urge all local voters to look very carefully at the best use of their vote. Without a structure and discipline groups of councillors, usually with a track record of disloyalty and failure, cause chaos and political uncertainty. Teignbridge deserves, and certainly needs order and direction. That is simply not a practical possibility if “Indes” are elected. As I see it, only the local Lib Dems have sufficient candidates of merit and realistic manifesto commitments to manage the authority.

I say again, “Thinking of voting Independent? Think on…..”

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One Response

  1. Andrew says:

    Hi Gordon,

    I was surprised by the false statements on both Labour and LD leaflets about the independent councillor candidate in Teignmouth.
    Labour I can believe are simply unable to carry out research, but the LDs have absolutely NO excuse for the false statement.
    The LDs know that 4 of the 9 independent candidates are ex Liberal Democrat who were forced out either through dissatisfaction or by being bullied out. So for the claim to be that the independent in Teignmouth Central is electoral fraud.

    In terms of your other points.

    The independents have put out leaflets – I know I have. No false claims about my involvement or false promises about what is possible to deliver. I find it strange then that you seem to believe that it would be based on the misogynistic ‘goods bloke’ ticket. I’ve laid out what I am for and against and what I’ll do to try and achieve it. Alison has too, so again it’s baffling why you choose to attack Independent candidates. You mention also party structure and never being forced to vote, yet you know that standing orders only give you an out in the LDs on matters of conscience and even then you are not supposed to vote against.

    The independent group for the last four years worked well together. There is certainly no reason why that won’t happen again.

    And lastly, the LDs have some good candidates, but some very low quality campaigning material. The promises made are in some cases irrational and undeliverable. What does that say about the LDs.

    As for loyalty? I was your loyal lieutenant, but even a loyal colleague can only put up with being kicked for so long by an exploitative leadership. Perhaps you forget loyalty works both ways?

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