Gordon Hook

Liberal Democrat District Councillor for Buckland and Milber Learn more

Reflections on the EU Vote

by admin on 24 June, 2016

It probably isn’t wise to make statements when you have only had about an hours sleep since Thursday morning, but I confess that this blog is at least in part theraputic for me, and that is a good enough reason at the moment to indulge myself….
In a free society and as a democrat ( and incidentally a Democrat) I respect the outcomes of referendums. (referenda?) The people speak and it is a fool who doesn’t listen. That does not necessarily mean I like what I hear, and on this occasion I certainly don’t. I am sad and disappointed that England has turned its collective back on Internationalism and prepares to end it’s relationship with Europe.
Perhaps some of my worries were reflected in an interview this morning with an obviously intelligent young Polish woman who is due to start a degree course next September at Cambridge University. She said she no longer felt welcome or safe coming to the UK. How incredibly sad is that? No doubt it is what the Leavers want to hear, but I don’t. I want us to be an open and welcoming country, learning from and sharing skills and talents with others. For me, this election has been all about what world we want to move towards creating and not simply economic benefits or disbenefits. ( important though they of course are!)
A friend has just been on the phone. He has a family member living in France with whom he has spoken this lunch time. The family member says that she experienced a new hostility towards her from the community in which she lives. Imagination? I hope so! She also said that she is now ashamed of her English heritage. How sad is that?
We have taken a step backwards and economically it will, as ever, be the poorest in our society that suffer the most, though it would appear they were the very ones who voted most whole heartedly for the outcome! How sad ( and ill informed) is that?
So, I could be down hearted and despondent. . . .and I’m certainly not elated right now, that’s for sure! But what it means is that those of us who retain a belief in cooperation with others, Internationalism, caring for the poor and weakest in society and a strong environmental concern have more work to do than ever…if that is you, let’s join together and fight back against those contrary forces that would seek to destroy us, that seek to end cooperative mutually beneficial working…please consider getting involved right now and joining the local Liberal Democrats. Humane values will rise again ! Help us. You will be made most welcome!!!

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